Final logo

Tag line logo

Final food stall design

Food Envy repeat pattern

Food Envy horizontal logo

Food stall

Food stall

Food stall internal

Examples of merchandise

Initial food stall idea

Initial food stall idea

Initial logo ideas which then went through development and refinement

Example of initial logo idea
While working at Voodoo Designworks in Almondsbury, I was involved in the brand creation for Food Envy.
Food Envy had been trading for a year with no branding or visual identity. They had been working at music and food festivals very successfully and had confirmed their menu and business name. This is all they had and so we after meeting and learning more about their business, I created a background story to use as the initial building g blocks. From this I developed a tagline which helped influence the design.
I gave a few options for their logo and we then developed the preferred option.
It was important the branding suited their food stall so I created options for this alongside the development of the logo.
The final package consisted of brand and logo, tag line, a repeat hand drawn pattern, merchandise, a food stall design and manufacture and content for their social media platforms.